If you can't solve your issue/question with the following FAQ, please feel free to contact me.
  1. Quick Editor is started but it is not visible
  2. Storage location for QuickEditor content
  3. Create a new tab
  4. Remove an existing tab
  5. Rename a tab
  6. Rearrange tabs
  7. Create a content-backup
  8. Minimize QuickEditor
  9. Disable Auto-hide functionality
  10. Disable or adjust transparency
  11. Adjust Auto-hide timout-settings
  12. Change font of content-fields
  13. Restore content
  14. Save QuickEditor content
  15. Instantly switch to another tab
  16. Print content
  17. Adjust opening timeout-settings
  18. Resize QuickEditor window
  19. Updating QuickEditor to a newer version
  20. Search function
  21. Define content location
  22. Define backup content location
  23. Disable arrow on startup (splash screen)
  24. Move QuickEditor to the right screen border

1. Quick Editor is started but it is not visible [top]
QuickEditor is a program designed to be always ready to use and not preventing you from your daily business. Therefore QuickEditor will auto-hide itself instantly after start "into" the monitor "frame". If you move your mouse-cursor to the screen-border QuickEditor will be shown. Immediately after starting QuickEditor an arrow (labled with QuickEditor) will be displayed for a few seconds to show you where QuickEditor is waiting for your mouse-cursor.

2. Storage location for QuickEditor content [top]
QuickEditor content itself is stored in simple text-files in rich-text format. These files are by default located in your personal documents folder subfolder calles "QuickEditor" (e.g. C:\Documents and settings\Username\My Documents\QuickEditor\). In program settings you may also set your personal folder to store content in. For each tab you created a seperate file is located in this directory. Additional there is a recovery-folder. On Quick Editor start the program will backup the whole content into recovery-folder (just for the case if you delete something which you shouldn't delete) and you need a way to restore this content. So if you are doing a complete system-backup in 99% you are backing up your personal documents folder and then you also saved your QuickEditor content - if you didn't set another content location.

3. Create a new tab [top]
If you start QuickEditor the first time you will see an empty window. There is not much to do with but you can open a menu if you press the right-mouse button. In this small menu you can choose "Add new tab" to create a new content-tab. If there are already some tabs created you have to perform the right-click on the upper tabbed part to show context-menu. A new tab or changed content is beeing saved if QuickEditor gets auto-hidden, by pressing Crtl+S, choosing "Save" in context-menu or Exit the application through context-menu.

4. Remove an existing tab [top]
To remove an already existing tab you simply have to right-click on the tab you are going to have removed and select "Remove tab <tabname>" from the context-menu. If you confirm your delete-request the content-file and tab will be instantly deleted from file-system and QuickEditor. A copy should remain in the recovery-folder, if you deleted the wrong one, but maybe it contains not the most recent content, because recovery-files in the recovery-folder are just automatically generated at program start. Maybe you have created a manual content-backup and you may restore the file from there.

5. Rename a tab [top]
Renaming a tab is very easy. Just enter some content into content-box within a tab, save it (press Crtl+S, auto-hide QuickEditor, use context-menu to save) and you will see that your first line in the content-box will be automatically used tor the tab-title. Just modify the first line within a content-box to adjust tab-title. In the case, that the first line is empty "<empty tab>" will be used for tab-title.

6. Rearrange tabs [top]
Drag&Drop is a well known in Windows and you simply can use drag&drop to rearrange tabs in QuickEditor. Just move your mouse cursor to one tab, press the mouse button and hold it down. Now move your cursor to the position where the tab should be in the feature. Release your mouse button and the tab is relocated. This new tab arrangement will be saved automatically on auto-hide (or Crtl+S, context-menu "Save" or Exit).

7. Create a content-backup [top]
It is strongly recommended to create a manual content-backup in a periodically interval. Therefore use the context-menu (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and select "Create content-backup". There will be a folder named "QuickEditor_backup_<current date/time>" within your personal documents folder. You may also change content backup folder in settings. In this newly created folder the current content-files will be backed up. For thoose who are not doing this manual backup periodically there is an auto-recovery function implemented in QuickEditor. On every start of QuickEditor, the program will flush the recovery-folder (within QuickEditor content folder) and copy all content-files to this recovery-folder. These files will remain there unchanged until QuickEditor is started the next time.

8. Minimize QuickEditor [top]
Sometimes the auto-restore/auto-hide functionality is not welcome and you are planning to use the left/right screen border for something else - not QuickEditor. There is no need to exit QuickEditor. You can simply advise QuickEditor to minimize into system-tray (beside the windows clock) and then auto-restore/auto-hide is disabled until you click on the tray-icon to manually restore QuickEditor "into" monitor "frame". To minimize QuickEditor open context-menu (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and choose "Minimize to Tray" item. Now you will see a small QuickEditor icon appearing nearby windows clock. As already described it's enough to click on this tray-icon to restore QuickEditor.

9. Disable Auto-hide functionality [top]
In some cases it is convinient to advice QuickEditor to stay open or in other words to display auto-hide funktionality. To do this open context-menu in QuickEditor (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and select "Stay open". Now QuickEditor will remain open as long as you will manually disable this function again or exit QuickEditor. To disable this function just choose menu-item again.

10. Disable or adjust transparency [top]
Transparency is implemented in QuickEditor because QuickEditor is designed to help and support you, not to be a handicap for your daily business. If transparency is enabled (per default 5% transparency) you are able to see your screen behind the QuickEditor window through QuickEditor. This 5% transparency default value is adjustable through the settings window. To open up settings windows right click on the upper tabbed part to show context-menu. Choose "Settings" in this menu. Now a small dialog will appear. In this dialog you will see trackbar you can move around. This triggers the visibility-value, so if you would like 10% transparency you have to configure this trackbar to 90% visibility. Transparency in general is only availabe on Windows 2000 or later. Anyway, if you are using Windows 2000 or later you are still able to disable transparency. In the same settings-dialog there is a checkbox called "Use transparency". Just uncheck it and after next auto-hide, the new transparency settings will be used.

11. Adjust Auto-hide timout-settings [top]
QuickEditor includes an auto-hide functionality. If you leave QuickEditor main-window with your mouse cursor, it will auto-hide into monitor "frame". Instantly after the mouse-cursor leaves QuickEditor window a timer will start running. If the time of this timer expires Quick-Editor will perform auto-hide. Per default this timeout is set to one second. If you are very fast moving your mouse, you can try to stop QuickEditor from closing, if you just move your mouse a very small amount of time (smaller than one second) out of the window and instantly back into window. This timeout is adjustable from one up to ten seconds. To configure this timeout setting open up the settings dialog. To open up settings windows right click on the upper tabbed part to show context-menu. Choose "Settings" in this menu. There is a trackbar for Auto-hide functionality. Adjust trackbar to meet your preferences. After saving this setting the new timeout is active. You can test it as described above.

12. Change font of content-fields [top]
Per default "Courier New; Regular; 8pt" is used as default font for QuickEditor content-text. If you prefer another font you are able to change this font. Again you need the settings dialog. To open up settings windows right click on the upper tabbed part to show context-menu. Choose "Settings" in this menu. Inside settings window there is a button labled "Choose font". If you click on this button a font-dialog will appear. Choose the font you really like and press ok. After pressing ok in settings-dialog the new font will be applied to all QuickEditor content-boxes.

13. Restore content [top]
Sometimes it might be required to restore some content you have previously deleted or modified. If you already read this FAQ until to this position you know, that there are two backup-ways in QuickEditor. One is automatically and one is manually. First of all you have to close down QuickEditor. Use context-menu to exit QuickEditor. Now you have to choose, if you want to restore from a manual backup or from automatic backup. If you prefer to restore from manual backup use explorer to browse to your QuickEditor content folder (by default your personal documents folder). There are manual backups stored in folders starting with "QuickEditor_backup_" followed by the date/time of backup. If you want to restore from automatic backup (created on last QuickEditor start) use explorer to browse to your QuickEditor content folder (by default your personal documents folder). There is QuickEditor folder and inside this folder there is the recovery folder located. Open up the content-files with your prefered editor (e.g. notepad) and search for the file you want to restore. If you found the content-file you want to restore copy it. Now browse to your QuickEditor content folder (by default your personal documents folder). Open up QuickEditor subfolder. Try to paste the copied file. If there is a file-replacement dialog be sure to do not overwrite another file! If you rearranged tabs it might be another filename, so if there is a overwrite-dialog I strongly would recommend to rename the copied file to something like "qe_content_999.txt". Some filename which currently doesn't exist in QuickEditor folder. Paste the renamed file into QuickEditor folder and start QuickEditor. Now you should see a new tab (according to the filename's number) if could be at the right end of tabs. The content should be restored to this tab.

14. Save QuickEditor content [top]
There are four ways to save the content you entered into QuickEditor. The simpest way is to just let QuickEditor auto-hide into monitor "frame". On very auto-hide QuickEditor will perform a content-save. If you want to save manually you can press Crtl+S or use context-menu (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and choose "Save". The last way is to exit QuickEditor. On every exit, QuickEditor will save all content-files.

15. Instantly switch to another tab [top]
If you have many tabs created and you always have to scroll horizontal to find the tab which you need, there is another solution to instantly switch to the other tab. Open context-menu by right-clicking on the upper tabbed part and move mouse curser above "Quickjump to tab...". Here you will see a list with all currently existing tabs. Just click on the tab you want to instantly switch to and it will be shown. If the list is really big you could also click on "Quickjump to tab..." itself to get a new popup window showing all tabs in a list. Double-click on a tab headline will instantly take you there.

16. Print content [top]
Sometimes it is required to have some information printed out. QuickEditor also offers a possibility to you to print our your content. You just have to open the context-menu (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and choose "Print". A printer dialog will appear. Inside this dialog you are able to choose a specific printer and configure page-settings, layout and much more. After pressing "OK" in printer dialog the currently active tab will be printed.

17. Adjust opening timeout-settings [top]
Some people told me that they are often touch the screen border and QuickEditor opens by mistake. To prevent this a new feature called "Opening timeout" is implemented. With this you are able to define a timeout between 0 and 2 seconds how long your mouse-cursor has to stay at screen border until QuickEditor opens. By default QuickEditor will instantly popup after moving mouse to screen-border. This timeout is adjustable. To configure this timeout setting open up the settings dialog. To open up settings windows right click on the upper tabbed part to show context-menu. Choose "Settings" in this menu. There is a trackbar for opening functionality. Adjust trackbar to meet your preferences. After saving this setting the new timeout is active. You can test it as described above.

18. Resize QuickEditor window [top]
If QuickEditor window is opened and visible you will recognize a small grey square in the bottom left/right corner. Hold down your left mouse-button above this square and move around your mouse to resize QuickEditor main-window. As long as you are resizing QuickEditor window transparency settings will be disabled to save CPU load.

19. Updating QuickEditor to a newer version [top]
There is an automatic update-check implemented in QuickEditor. On every program start QuickEditor will verify its version with the update-server. Of your version is older than the latest released version there will be a message visible in QuickEditor main-window. This message will be displayed in the upper right part of the window near QuickEditor logo. If there is no message visible there is even no newer version available or you don't have an established internet-connection available. There is currently no way to manually perform an update-check. If you want to force an update-check make sure your internet-connection is working and simply restart QuickEditor. After restart have a look for the update-notification in QuickEditor window. Also you may have to check this web page for latest releases and news.

20. Search function [top]
In QuickEditor there is a search function included. To show search-panel you simply can use a keyboard-shortcut (Crtl + F) or use context-menu (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and select "Show search panel" In the bottom of QuickEditor window a small panel will appear used for search. You may check to search for your keyword in all tabs or just in currently active tab. Enter your keyword in the small text box and click on Search. The next search-result will be automatically highlighted for you. If you are looking for the next result just press again search-button. If there are no more results you will receive an error-message. To close down search-panel simply perform the same steps which were required to open it.

21. Define content location [top]
By default QuickEditor is storing its content files in your personal documents folder - also called home folder. You may change this path in settings window. To change content location open context-menu in QuickEditor (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and select "Settings". Here you can set your own "Content path" in the upper right part of the window. After setting a new content path QuickEditor will ask you if current documents should be automatically copied to the newly choosen folder. Anyway, after setting a new content path QuickEditor needs to restart itself for changes to become active.

22. Define backup content location [top]
"Out of the box" QuickEditor is storing its content backups in your personal documents folder - or home folder. Maybe you have another hard disc and it would make sense to create content backups on these other drive. In settings window you may also change location for backup content. To change backup content location open up context-menu in QuickEditor (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and select "Settings". Now please adjust "Backup content path" in the upper right part. After setting a new backup content path QuickEditor will ask you if currently created backups should be copied to the new folder.

23. Disable arrow on startup (splash screen) [top]
You may already noticed the arrow being showed on QuickEditor startup to guide you where to find QuickEditor window. After several days a lot of people may think "hey now I really know where to find it, I don't need this lame arrow". In settings window there is a new option to disable splash screen which is indeed this arrow. To disable “splash-screen” arrow open up context-menu in QuickEditor (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and select "Settings". Uncheck the checkbox labeled with "Show QuickEditor arrow on startup". Thats it, now it's gone until you check it again.

24. Move QuickEditor to the right screen border [top]
Finally there is an option to put QuickEditor on the right side of the screen. I got a lot of request to implement that. It's really simple to change QuickEditor location between left and right screen border. Just open up settings window (open context-menu in QuickEditor (right-click on the upper tabbed part) and select "Settings") and choose your favorite QuickEditor location. By default QuickEditor will be placed on the left side. After changing location QuickEditor needs to restart itself for changes to become active.

QuickEditor - Help / FAQ
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