2011-10-17 - 11:42:36
It's really difficult for me as a developer to make my software public and inform people about it. Facebook and Twitter are two really great platforms for doing this and also keep fans up to date with information. Now QuickEditor is on the following social networks waiting for you to follow and like:
You may also noticed that there is a new Facebook banner in the top left of this website. You could also use this button to "like" QuickEditor on Facebook and tell your friends about.

Thank you very much for using QuickEditor and thanks also for any like or follow.

2011-09-26 - 07:46:14
I got really a lot of request and questions on how to put QuickEditor window on the right side of the screen. Currently QuickEditor is optimized for the left screen border (because I prefer that way to use QuickEditor). But in the meantime QuickEditor is used by so many people; btw. thanks to you all; and now I have to put some work into that topic.

So the next days I will develop an option to put QuickEditor on the right side of the screen. I hope you will enjoy this new functionality.

I also got a few other feature reuqests which I also gonna implement with the next update - for example a possibility to choose content path on your own or an option to disable green QuickEditor arrow on application startup. Please refer to the changelog page to see all planned features.

So please be patient again for the next release. Of course QuickEditor will stay free to use!

2011-04-07 - 19:34:39
A few days ago I received a bug-report from a QuickEditor user. He discovered a bug causing QuickEditor to consume 99% CPU load if transparency is disabled. In the meantime I could fix this bug in my internal testing version.

I'm sorry if you are also affected by this issue but there will be a fixed version released soon.

As you can see I really take care about every single feedback I get. So, if you found a bug or have a feature request for QuickEditor please tell me!
2011-02-18 - 15:42:25
Sorry for a very long time without any updates but today I released a new version of QuickEditor. There are no new features included but a few bug fixes. You can check changes in changelog.

QuickEditor is not dead! I still try to improve my software but I need your help and your ideas. Please get in contact with me sending me your idead how to make QuickEditor better.

QuickEditor - A small, quick and everytime accessible notepad
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