Legend/color codes for the following changelog:
  • Added feature
  • Improved/enhanced feature
  • Removed feature

Planned features for next version
  • [Added] Option to select you own background color.
    (Feature request from Stan - 2011/10/18)
  • [Added] Protect QuickEditor tabs by password/encryption.
    (Feature request from Gregory - 2012/03/17)
  • [Added] Strong encryption for QuickEditor tabs.
  • [Improved] Screen detetction if using multiple monitors.
  • [Added] German translation/localization.
  • [Improved] Fixed bug QuickEditor was not opening.
  • [Improved] Fixed bug QuickEditor not showing properly on Windows 8 computers.
  • [Improved] QuickEditor does no longer require .NET 3.5. New requirement .NET 2.0.
  • [Improved] Fixed bug in Quickjump window not opening.

Released versions

Version 4.0.4437.16398
(build 2012-02-24)
  • [Improved] Bug fixed causing QuickEditor to consume 99% CPU load if transparency is turned off in settings
  • [Added] Option to disable QuickEditor arrow on application startup (Splash Screen)
    (Feature request from Thomas K. - 2011/09/08)
  • [Added] Possibility to define content path
    (Feature request from Thomas K. - 2011/09/08)
  • [Added] Possibility to define backup content path
    (Feature request from Thomas K. - 2011/09/08)
  • [Added] Option to switch QuickEditor window to the right screen border instead of left
    (Feature request from a lot of people :-))
  • [Improved] Screen location. QuickEditor now determinates the left/right most screen and will show on that screen
Version 4.0.4065.19217 (build 2011-02-17)
  • [Improved] Update check
  • [Improved] Fixed bug focusing windows
  • [Improved] Quickjump function when clicking on Quickjump menu entry
Version 4.0.3702.19745 (build 2010-02-19)
  • [Added] Search function
    (Feature request from Anthony H. - 2010/01/26)
  • [Added] Context-menu entry to donate using PayPal
  • [Added] Resizeable window (south-west direction)
  • [Added] Opening timout (no more opening for mistake)
    (Feature request from CTC - 2010/02/08)
  • [Improved] Tab-rearrangement (no more flickering)
  • [Improved] Tabulator-key is now supported in textfields
  • [Improved] Silent update-installation
  • [Improved] Startup-duration if no internet-connection available
  • [Improved] Context-menu
  • [Improved] Selecting text will not close QuickEditor anymore
  • [Improved] Auto-Hide timer from 0.1 to 10 seconds
    (Feature request from Timothy T. - 2010/01/25)
  • [Improved] Saving/Loading behaviour of content-files
    (Bug report from Claus D. - 2010/02/02)
  • [Improved] Miscancellous bugs fixed
Version 4.0.3670.25265 (build 2010-01-18)
  • [Added] Welcome-message for new installations
  • [Improved] Auto-Update function for new versions
Version 4.0.3668.21752 (build 2010-01-16)
  • [Improved] Print function
Version 4.0.3667.19045 (build 2010-01-15)
  • [Added] Quickjump functionality
  • [Added] Content printing (with selectable printer)
  • [Added] Custom content-textbox context-menu
  • [Improved] Auto-hide function
Version 4.0.3581.15602 (build 2009-10-21)
  • [Added] Link to QuickEditor internet-page
  • [Added] Link to QuickEditor help-page in the internet
  • [Improved] Auto-hide function
Version 4.0.3580.15748 (build 2009-10-20)
  • [Improved] Functionality to remove complete words by using Crtl+Backspace
Version 4.0.3574.14532 and before
  • Internal debugging releases